Just a Thought…

Rhonda Brown Rhonda Brown

Retiring Ageism

Some 10 years ago, I realized that we had four generations of employees in the company where I worked — each group taking a slightly different approach to their work, to career growth, even to colleague communication. Each holding misconceptions and stereotypes about the others. Hoping to discover some ways to smooth some of the friction that was resulting from their contrasting styles, I started my formal education at Cornell in implicit bias and diversity, equity and inclusion. 

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Rhonda Brown Rhonda Brown

Flexible Work Needs a Rebrand

The headlines are full of doomsday predictions for remote and hybrid work, but they might be premature. Hybrid and remote work offer employers advantages in-office work can’t. It’s the one-size-fits-all work model that has expired. Flexible work just needs a brand refresh. Below, the debate, the benefits, and some tips for flipping the script to make flexible scheduling more appealing.

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Rhonda Brown Rhonda Brown

Sparking a Culture of Creativity at Work

A culture of creativity can mean the difference between success and near-success in business. From the organizational side, innovation can lead to the design of new products, services, and ideas, that can give a company a competitive advantage. Creative employees are problem solvers, who can develop solutions that improve efficiency, cut down on errors, and save a firm time and money.

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Rhonda Brown Rhonda Brown

Futurecasting for 2023

I was recently asked by FrazerJones, a leading global HR executive search and recruitment consultancy: What does HR need to be preparing for?

It’a good question —

read on for my thoughts on improving the present while preparing for the future. I’ve identified several ways workplaces can be improved.

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Ava Jacobs Ava Jacobs

Self-Appraisals — Making them Meaningful

It’s that time of the year — peppermint mochas, twinkly trees and reflections on the year that has nearly past. You may be at work on your company's required Employee Self-Appraisal. Whether it's required or not, December is a good time to reflect on what you’ve done this year and how you will project what you’ve learned and achieved into next year.

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Ava Jacobs Ava Jacobs

Counteracting Bias with Competencies

If left to our own devices, we humans are pretty quick to make one-sided, poorly supported, and biased judgments about performance assessment. Those judgments penalize individuals from groups stereotyped as less competent, including women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, older employees, LGBT+, and blue-collar workers.

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Ava Jacobs Ava Jacobs

On Labor Day -- Thoughts About Layoffs

In my HR/Legal career I’ve been involved in more restructures, reorganizations, right-sizings and reductions-in-force than I like to remember (46 the last time I counted). They are disruptive and often disheartening, but there are ways to make them slightly less painful.

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Career Guest User Career Guest User

Career Development From the Get Go

Supporting career growth is key for employees and employers alike. Small employers and startups may not have the bandwidth — time or person power — to create a full-fledged talent development program for staff.

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